Key Benefits
Affordable housing policy and program advocacy in the California
Legislature and Congress, as well as with Federal, State, and local
housing agencies and other governmental bodies -
'Action Alert Network' with updates on Federal and State affordable housing programs and mobilization of local communities and individuals. We build broad-based coalitions with racial equity organizations, environmentalists, growers, local governments, labor, and other constituencies
Training and informational forums, including affordable housing
program design and implementation, grant-writing, smart growth
and energy-efficiency, and inclusionary housing programs -
Technical assistance to nonprofit affordable housing organizations,
rural local planning and housing officials, and grassroots community groups -
Projects to promote leadership development, asset-building, elder
financial security, housing preservation, disaster recovery, and
sustainable rural communities -
Access to our extensive research on rural housing data and critical
public policy information -
...and more.
For complete list of membership benefits, click here.
Thank you to our current members!
Burbank Housing
California Housing Partnership Corp
CHIP—Community Housing Improvement Project
Community Economics
Dry Creek Rancheria
FHL Bank of San Francisco
Mercy Housing
Mutual Housing
Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority
People's Self-Help Housing
PEP Housing
Self Help Enterprises
Visionary Home Builders